Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 4 - Map

The map above shows three different projections (Albers, State Plane N, and UTM) of Florida. The four counties that are highlighted are shown with the calculated square miles for each projection. The most difficult part of this assignment was to come up with a good way to display the areas of each county and have them highlighted. I solved this by selecting each county and creating a new layer from the selected counties. I then selected to display the Area field on each county.


  1. That's a very elegant arrangement of the Floridas on your map John. It would never have occurred to me. I really like the yellow banner below and on top, and even the scale bar and north arrow & your sig. at bottom right look part of an elegant whole, as though they're balancing it.

  2. Nice layout John. Units of measurement are missing and a legend. You need something to identify the counties either by a legend or a label.

