Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 7 - Data Editing

Below is the week 7 lab, Data Editing in ArcGis. The map shows new digitized polygons and lines into the proper layers. This lab went well with the esri module being very thorough.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 6 - Georeferencing Rasters

Below is the Week 6 Lab exercise, Georeferencing Rasters. This lab was straight forward and enjoyable.
With the north image, using 1st Order Polynomial for the transformation and 10 links, my total RMS Error was 4.96857.

With the south image, using 2nd Order Polynomial for the taransformation and 12 links, my total RMS Error was 3.32348. I decided not to use any more links or change to a 3rd Order Polynomial as my layers seemed to match up well with a good RMS Error.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 5 - Data Search

This project required finding data online in order to create the maps below. The maps were projected into NAD 1983 HARN State Plane East. The toughest part aside from extreme lag in working with ArcGIS, was finding the right data and knowing whether the data being downloaded was correct. I was never able to get a DEM file to work even after downloaded all necessary files.

The first map shows wetlands in Lake County, Florida.

The second map shows protected areas in Lake County, Florida.
The third map shows a DRG image and DOQQ image projected onto part of the Lake County, Florida map.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Haiti Participation Post

This is a very interesting and unique map found at the BBC website ( This map is an interactive map allowing users the ability to click on different images to see how relief supplies are arriving to earthquake victims in Haiti.

Week 4 - Map

The map above shows three different projections (Albers, State Plane N, and UTM) of Florida. The four counties that are highlighted are shown with the calculated square miles for each projection. The most difficult part of this assignment was to come up with a good way to display the areas of each county and have them highlighted. I solved this by selecting each county and creating a new layer from the selected counties. I then selected to display the Area field on each county.