Friday, July 2, 2010

Week 6 : Urban Planning

The images below show different maps to help find an ideal location for a family to relocate to based on different factors and important features. This week was pretty smooth sailing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 4 Participation Activity

GIS has become an important role in disaster relief around the world. GIS can quickly deliver large amounts of information and data to people quickly showing, for example, the size and locations of natural hazards, areas affected and the costs involved, or potential dangers. Disaster relief organizations can use GIS to effectively determine where to allocate resources and best resolve a situation. GIS also can be used to help the public become aware of disasters, hazards, etc.

Link to Video:
This assignment was fairly straight forward. The majority of the time spent on this activity was due to the inability to reproject the coordinate system correctly and the awful delays that working with edesktop have. And, it seems that I cannot get the video to work after 11 different attempts... which isn't a surprise given how this course is going.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 11

Could not get 3d analyst exercises to work. ArcScene was extremely laggy and kept crashing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break Fun - Working with Raw Data and Tables

Below is a map of Gulf County, FL showing the top landowners in the county by acreage.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 9 - Vector Analysis II

Q1: To produce similar results to the steps used for the Union tool, I chose to use the Intersect tool. There were no noticibe differences in the output.
Q2: To remove areas in the Buffers_Union_single shapefile that overlay with the conservation_areas shapefile, I chose to use the Erase tool. This created a new shapefile of polygons of the possible sites required.
Q3: There are 4 features in the possible_sites shapefile. The largest area is 8.91 sq. meters with the smallest areas being 5.8575 sq meters.